Subject: Easter traditions paint our world with colors and the joy of renewal.
Looking back, I always knew Spring had arrived and when the blue robins would build a nest in the corner of our front porch. If you were quiet enough you could get a peek through the drapes at the little blue eggs and eventually see the babies in the nest.
Along with the baby birds, came the eagerly awaited Easter Bunny’s visit and a morning egg hunt of brightly colored eggs hidden throughout our house. My sister and I would race from room to room, searching frantically for our baskets, with our excitement building with every egg discovery. After testing all the jelly beans and chocolates in our baskets we were off to church, wearing our best Easter dresses, white sandals, and knit shawls.
But the real adventure unfolded at my grandmother's house. Her backyard transformed into an Easter egg hunt paradise, with colorful plastic eggs bursting with treats and coins scattered throughout the blooming flower beds. Ten cousins, fueled by competitive spirit and the thrill of the hunt, scoured every corner, searching for the ‘golden egg’ holding the coveted $2 bill.
Afterward, we'd gather inside for Easter soup. This seemingly simple dish, known as Polish White Borscht, was a tradition of our Easter feast. You might think kids wouldn’t like it, but we all sure did! Its slightly sour flavor, infused with ingredients from our Easter baskets, symbolized the promise of a bountiful year ahead.
Speaking of the baskets– these weren’t just your everyday baskets, they were masterpieces crafted by my grandmother and aunt. Lined with pristine white linen and adorned with hand-crocheted lace doilies draped over the top, they were filled with kielbasa, ham, eggs, cheese, butter, bread, horseradish, and salt, and of course, a white candle, a symbol of Jesus, the light of the world.
Now when the first green shoots of hyacinth bulbs emerge from the ground and the birds' songs become more jubilant, I feel the beginning of Spring. I also believe that Easter is more than just an egg hunt or a delicious meal; it is a celebration of family, faith, and the joy of springtime.
Do you have any special Easter morning memories?