The Blog

Peonies: Fluffy to Papery Blooms

Peonies: Fluffy to Papery Blooms

Witnessing the first peony buds emerge from the cold ground in early spring fills my heart with promise and hope. A rose is a rose, but a peony is a...

Peonies: Fluffy to Papery Blooms

Witnessing the first peony buds emerge from the cold ground in early spring fills my heart with promise and hope. A rose is a rose, but a peony is a...

lobster buoys colorful maine costal decor

New England Lobster Buoys

Did you know that every lobsterman has a unique color scheme for his or her buoys to mark the location of their traps? No two lobstermen have the same buoy...

New England Lobster Buoys

Did you know that every lobsterman has a unique color scheme for his or her buoys to mark the location of their traps? No two lobstermen have the same buoy...

english advertising pots, dundee marmalade

English Advertising Pots

English Advertising Pots...What is all the rage? Where were you when you fell in love with English Advertising Pottery? For me, it was in 2015 at an open air flea...

English Advertising Pots

English Advertising Pots...What is all the rage? Where were you when you fell in love with English Advertising Pottery? For me, it was in 2015 at an open air flea...

vintage and antique rosaries European

My love for Rosaries

At the age of 8, I received a brilliant red cut-glass rosary for my First Communion.  It came tucked inside of a dark blue soft velvet pouch. This was my...


My love for Rosaries

At the age of 8, I received a brilliant red cut-glass rosary for my First Communion.  It came tucked inside of a dark blue soft velvet pouch. This was my...